Archived Workshop

Rootwork: Resource Roundtable

Building Block Power


Saturday, June 8 2024


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm



Max # of Participants:


About Facilitator

The Crown Heights C.A.R.E. Collective is a Crown Heights-based hyperlocal abolitionist collective, organizing together against police violence and police intervention in our neighborhood. Real world alternatives to police and prisons grow from hyperlocal networks of mutual aid, self-defense, empowerment, and accountability that expand beyond violent carceral frameworks.

We host a variety of community events and workshops to strengthen our social ties in our neighborhood. We share resources, information, and intimate conversation with our neighbors about alternatives to policing.


Seed neighborhood care. Water your roots! Last December, Crown Heights Care Collective won a grant in partnership with the Brooklyn Library .This summer, we’re using those funds to host three radical community-building day fairs at Brower Park Library 📚

Each day fair will involve workshops, political education, and community conversation, as well as free food, giveaways, and games. Childcare will be provided.

On June 8, the theme is Building Block Power. Learn how to build block associations and share resources locally 🏘️ Join community conversations on gentrification and hear from neighbors who have fought evictions.

The Resource Roundtable will be a guided discussion with neighbors and community organizations, to share wisdoms and build collective frameworks around resource and skill sharing. Field Meridians will be discussing the work of the Seed Library.

What's Included:

  • Childcare will be provided.

What to Bring:

  • Notebook and pen
  • Seeds for the seed library! (optional)